What Are Probiotics
Probiotics contain different types of micro-organisms such as yeast and bacteria. Micro-organisms are naturally found in the stomach, gut, intestines, and vagina. Some conditions (such as antibiotic use, chemo) can change the normal balance of bacteria/yeast. Probiotics are used to improve digestion and restore normal flora which leads to a healthier you.
Probiotics have been used to treat bowel problems such as diarrhea, irritable bowel (IBS) , eczema, lactose intolerance, yeast infections, urinary tract infection (UTI) and joint pain.
An unbalanced body (lots of bad bacteria in the gut) is susceptible to many ailments. Researchers are now finding out the connections between the gut and the brain and how it affects many functions of our bodies. We have a top 10 ailments here. (more to be added)
If you want to learn more in depth about probiotics, click here.
How Are We Different
Most probiotics are not active cultures. You can tell when NO refrigeration is required. They are mainly in capsule form and listing impressive numbers like billions of microbes. It's because when released in your gut, a majority of these immature microbes are destroyed by the bad bacteria and passes right through your intestine. It's basically a one time use bacteria. The healthy microbes in our products are active, because they have never suffered from drying or freezing that are necessary steps in the procedures for making capsule products. With our active culture, it's a Microbial Community which lives in your gut working continuously.
We believe we have the most advance combination of microbial strains available in the marketplace. No one comes close to our select blend of microbes working together as a community, keeping each other safe while attaching themselves (~500 million per serving) onto the intestinal wall lining. While you eat, our microbes release important enzymes which breaks down the food letting your body absorb its nutrients. In addition, they fight the bad bacteria in your gut, help balancing what your body needs to be healthy.

Video credit from ISAPP - International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics
what are the health benefits of using probiotics
Suggestions on Usage
We suggest using this product twice a day. Once in the morning, once in the afternoon. One large table spoon / 0.5 oz / 12 grams.
My personal favorite is to mix this in a smoothie. Most grocery stores will have frozen bags of fruits, such as Mangos, Mix berries, Strawberries available. Use a half cup of your favorite fruit, (add in a banana for extra thick), one large tablespoon of the probiotic, half cup of milk (or water if you are lactose intolerant) and mix in your blender until smooth. This will be tasty treat you can have daily.
Another quick and easy method is mix a large tablespoon into your favorite cup of yogurt. Great for short of time in the morning if you are in a rush.